Big Data and Big Implications for Bio-cybersecurity

Presented: August 25, 2020 12:00 pm
Presented by: Dr. James Giordano, Ph.D., MPhil

This DoDIAC webinar was hosted by HDIAC and the Cyber Security and Information Systems Information Analysis Center (CSIAC).

Big data and increasingly capable computational systems are force-multipliers for several current, radical leveling, and emerging bioscientific and biotechnological approaches that are viable and of value in national security, intelligence, and defense operations. As well, big data methods and tools are being ever more widely utilized in civilian (public and commercial) enterprises that range from medicine to entertainment. The ubiquity of vast, multi-dimensional, -scalar, and -populational data, and the systems that store, process, and communicate these data are vulnerable to infiltration, manipulation, and disruption, and in these ways can be exploited to incur non-kinetic but nonetheless destructive effects in and across social, economic, political, and military domains.

In this webinar, Professor James Giordano of Georgetown University describes the uses and value of big data and cyber-capabilities in bioscience and biotechnology; addresses the national security, intelligence, and defense applications of these tools and methods; illustrates vulnerabilities in these systems’ infrastructures and functions, and posits the importance and necessity of bio-cybersecurity as a multi-organizational posture and enterprise.


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